Teen Therapy

Being a teen and transitioning into adulthood is difficult. You’re almost grown up, but not quite. You are wanting the independence of being an adult, but you’re afraid of it at the same time.

In our teenage years, we are juggling so many things, trying to keep our heads above water.

At home…

Fighting with parents. Feeling misunderstood. Wanting more freedom and independence. Feeling restrained by rules and expectations. They JUST DON’T GET IT!

School… UGHHHH!

Classes. Tests. Exams. Never-ending homework. Grades. College applications. Clubs. Sports.

Trying to navigate high school social life…

Friends. Fitting in. Social media. Drama. Rumors. Bullying.

The whole romance thing…

Crushes. Dating. Relationships. Break-ups.


Up. Down. Happy. Sad. Angry. Anxious. Worried.

Life is complicated. It’s so much work.

Wanting guidance, but not knowing who to talk to.

Needing a place to let it all out and find better ways to deal.

Therapy is a comfortable place to talk about all these things and learn better ways to cope. It’s a place you can ask all the questions you have, without having to worry about what people might think. In the therapy room, you can truly let it all out, and we’ll work together to make sense of it all.

As a parent, it can be difficult seeing your teen struggle. You want to help, but they won’t let you

Teens are going through the phase of development where they are finding their own identity, which often involves pushing away from parents.

As normal as this is, it can leave parents feeling quite powerless over their teen.

In therapy, I will help your teen develop a better understanding of the changes they are going through and guide them through the transition.

We’ll work on learning better ways to communicate to reduce conflict and improve relationships.

They’ll learn how to manage the big feelings and moodiness they are experiencing, giving them a greater sense of self-control and improving their sense of self-esteem.

We’ll all work together at improving the family’s communication, developing closer relationships, and finding peace within your home.

Let’s get started on your teen’s healing journey.

Call me at (805) 307-7933 or click on the button below to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.