Trauma Therapy
What defines a traumatic experience?
Mary has also had to deal with the often-embarrassing symptoms that go along with this disease. She’s ashamed and feels worthless. She’s haunted by memories of the scary medical procedures she endured as a kid. She feels anxious all the time, worrying about the next flare-up she’ll experience.
This has led to feelings of depression and emotionally checking out. She’s now experiencing strain on her marriage, as she’s feeling so bad herself, that she just can’t seem to be present for anyone else.
As an adult, when Tyler thinks of his mother, he is filled with shame and rage. Sometimes, he wakes up in the middle of the night due to nightmares of his childhood. He doesn’t understand why he is still so affected by what happened to him. He’s an adult, and what happened was so long ago.
Trauma comes in many different forms.
What may only be slightly upsetting for one person may be perceived as traumatic by another person.
The key factor is a person’s perception of the event. If you perceive the event as having been threatening in any way and you felt helpless at the time of the event, then it was a traumatic experience for you.
Traumas can be acute, singular events, which overwhelm the nervous system. These types of trauma include events such as natural disasters, car accidents, sexual assaults, acts of violence, sudden death of a loved one, catastrophic illness, or suicide attempts.
Some traumas result from chronic, ongoing painful experiences, such as childhood abuse, domestic abuse, bullying, growing up with parental alcoholism, military deployments, exposure to racism or other forms of stigmatization, chronic pain, ongoing health problems, or incarceration.
Other types of trauma may be subtle and seem insignificant but may be having a major impact on your well-being. These may include things such as dog bites, routine medical procedures, ridicule/criticism by an authority figure, teasing from peers, or having high expectations from a parental figure.
Trauma impacts our mind, body, and spirit.
It can feel overwhelming and suffocating or subtle and less noticeable.
While the severity may vary, it feels like a constant weight on your back that you can’t get rid of.
Trauma has various ways of impacting a person. These may range from merely feeling anxious most of the time to flashbacks and nightmares related to a past event. Feelings of suicide may arise routinely or there may be irrational fears of people, places, or things.
Avoidance is a tactic many people who have experienced try at some point. They might avoid going to a place that represents the trauma or avoid even thinking about it.
Panic attacks, self-harm, or complete disconnection may represent how others cope.
But this happened so long ago. Aren’t I permanently damaged???
Whether your trauma happened last week or 30 years ago, it is never too late to resolve past trauma and find healing.
Given the right tools, your body and mind are capable of overcoming trauma.
Finding healing and moving forward, using effective treatment.
Using approaches such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Somatic Experiencing®, and/or NeuroAffective Touch®, we will work together to target and treat your trauma.
Trauma therapy begins by helping you establish a sense of safety in your body. We will work together to build up your resilience and ability to tolerate uncomfortable emotions and sensations. Then, we will begin to target the traumatic memories that are holding you back.
We reprocess the trauma, so that you can know and feel that your trauma is truly over and in the past. You will come to a place where memories of the trauma are no longer overwhelming and holding you back. You will be able to live fully in the present and find joy again.
Imagine your life feeling free from your past and having a more positive outlook on life. Feeling confident and comfortable in your own skin. Letting go of habits that no longer serve you. Feeling more connected and secure in your relationships. Feeling safe in the world around you. Having a new energy and passion for life.
Let’s get started on your healing journey.
Call me at (805) 307-7933 to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.