Intuitive Eating
You’ve been chasing weight loss like it’s your full time job.
Thoughts of food and your body are all consuming
Weight loss has somehow become your ultimate goal, more important than anything else in your life.
Skipping out on social events out of fear of potentially losing control and binging on the food available.
Missing important family events because you had to get in your time at the gym.
You’ve been on this merry-go-round for so long, you don’t even remember what life was like before. Did I ever have a “normal” relationship with food and my body? Have I always been this obsessed?
You’re done. You’re just. So. Done.
You feel helpless.
Day after day, you tell yourself tomorrow will be different.
Yet, you inevitably end up in a binge, and you are ravaged by that same old feeling of guilt and shame.
“Why can’t I control myself???”
You go on diet after diet, thinking that it’ll fix you.
Only, it seems to have made things worse. The more you try to control yourself, the more out of control you get.
You can follow a diet for so long, but then you end up falling off the wagon and eating everything in sight.
You look in the mirror and hate what you see.
If only you could control your eating and achieve the body you desire, you’d finally feel good about yourself.
Happiness feels like it’s only attainable by losing the weight.
Thoughts about your body and food are consuming you.
When will it end???
There is hope. Change is possible.
But the answer isn’t what you think.
The solution is not in a new diet, nor is it a new exercise routine, , plastic surgery, a magical body wrap, a cleanse, a fast, a new diet pill, or any of the other countless methods you’ve tried in the past.
What if I told you that dieting was what got you here in the first place?
And that the answer was in giving up dieting forever?
Using the principles of Intuitive Eating, we will work together to undo the damage that chronic dieting has caused.
We will dismantle the diet mentality and restore a healthy mindset.
Your relationship with food and your body will transform, allowing you to fully accept your body and be free from food obsession.
Break free from the trap of dieting and body hatred!
Call me at (805) 307-7933 or click on the button below to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation.